Pre-Settlement Funding FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
How can you guarantee to charge me the lowest rate?
Many in this business will charge whatever they can. I choose to charge what I think is right. You have literally bled for the money you may receive, and I want you to keep as much of it as possible. I will make a profit, but one that is reasonable, and leaves you with the vast majority of your settlement. If you have a written offer from any other company, I promise to beat it! If you don’t have another offer, you will still get the best deal I can offer you. I guarantee it!
When should I consider your services?
I tell my clients that if they are in serious financial trouble, they should first try to obtain funds from family or friends. When that is not possible, we are available to review your injury case and provide funds to help you pay your bills until your attorney is able to finalize your settlement.
When can I receive the money?
Once we have reviewed your application, sent to us online or taken over the phone, and after we are able to review your file with your attorney, we can provide you a check without delay…normally within 24 hours.
Is it necessary for my attorney to have filed a lawsuit for me?
No. Many times your attorney can settle your claim without ever filing a lawsuit in court. We will consider funding whenever you have a valid, potentially successful claim.
Do you have to let my attorney know I need money?
Your attorney is a very important part of the litigation process, and he is the one that you have hired to represent your claim. We need to speak to him to obtain many details of your claim that he will have obtained during the time he has been representing you.
What if I don't have an attorney?
Contact us anyway. If you wish, we can provide you with a list of attorneys that we believe are the best in the area to help you with your injury claim. All of these attorneys work on a contingent fee arrangement and receive no attorney fees unless they are successful in receiving a settlement for you.
When do you get paid?
Just like you, we will wait for any settlement that you may receive, and then we would be repaid at that time. If you do not receive any compensation for your injuries, you do not have to repay whatever we funded to you.

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Pre-Settlement Questions

What is Pre-Settlement Funding?
Pre-Settlement funding, also know as litigation funding, is when a firm provides someone in a lawsuit with money in exchange for a part of the expected lawsuit settlement.
Pre-Settlement funding is not a loan. The money borrowed from the firm does not need to be paid back over a set period of time. Rather, plaintiffs sell a portion of their future settlement proceeds in exchange for a cash advance.
Pre-Settlement funding can help avoid going into debt. For those who have been injured and are unable to work, it is very difficult to pay the bills without a stable paycheck from a job. Lawsuits can also be incredibly time consuming and mentally intensive. During a lawsuit that prevents a plaintiff from working, it can be very hard to continue making payments. Paying bills on credit cards can make things even worse by forcing one to carry even more debt, and possibly be forced to go into default and skip payments. This may require settling debt claims which could have a long-term impact on one’s finances.
What if I don't have an attorney yet?
Litigation Funding, LLC works with a network of some of the best personal injury lawyers in Michigan. We’ll help you find the best lawyer possible for your individual case.
What is the funding process?
Step 1 – Fill Out Our 2-Minute Application.
Step 2 – We Contact Your Attorney.
Step 3 – We Review Your Case.
Step 4 – We Create a Plan and Send an Agreement.
Step 5 – You Review the Plan and Agree to the Terms.
Step 6 – We Send the Funds, Usually within 24 hours.
Want to learn more? Visit our How It Works page.
Which cases qualify for funding?
Many different types of cases qualify for pre-settlement funding, including, but not limited to, personal injury, auto accidents, and wrongful death cases. Visit the How It Works page to learn more.
Have any more questions? Learn more about how it works or contact us!
Funding Questions
Do I need good credit to qualify for funding?
Not at all! In fact, your credit score does not play a role in your eligibility for pre-settlement funding.
How long does it take to get the money?
The time required to approve funding depends on the specifics of the case and the availability of your attorney. We pride ourselves on generally sending the money out within 24 hours.
How much money will I receive?
Funding can vary from $500 to $100,000, depending on the case value and necessity of cash.
How is the money repaid?
The money is only repaid if the lawsuit is won. As pre-settlement funding is not a loan, the money is taken from the proceeds of the case settlement.
What happens if I lose my case?
If you cooperate fully with your attorney, but you case is still unsuccessful, you owe me nothing and can keep you money you have received
How much does the funding cost?
The pricing for pre-settlement funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. Apply for free to get pricing details on your specific case today. We pride ourselves on having the most competitive fees around.

Have any more questions? Learn more about how it works or contact us!
Pre-Settlement Application Questions

What happens after I apply?
Once you apply, we will get back to you ASAP with an update on your case. Just make sure your phone is on and you’re checking your email regularly.
Is my attorney involved in this process?
Your attorney is a very important part of the litigation process, and he is the one that you have hired to represent your claim. We need to speak to him to obtain many details of your claim that he will have obtained during the time he has been representing you.
What if I need more money?
You can always apply for more money and the simple, free application is just as easy as the first. We will review your situation again and determine whether or not you are eligible for additional funding for your lawsuit.
Can my application be declined?
There are a few common reasons why an application is declined funding:
- The paperwork sent in isn’t complete.
- We couldn’t get in touch with your attorney for additional details about the case.
- The case isn’t included in lawsuits that we fund.
Although there are other reasons as well, most of our clients fall into one of these categories.
What happens after my case is settled?
After the case is settled, we work together with your attorney to distribute the funds as efficiently as possible. If the case is lost and there is no recovery, there is no requirement to pay back the money received.
Have any more questions? Learn more about how it works or contact us!